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Online Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Total Credit Hours


Cost Per Credit Hour


Application Deadline: April 7, 2025

Summer 1 2025 classes start on May 12, 2025

Develop In-Demand Analytical Skills

The online Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from LSU Alexandria offers the flexibility to pursue your educational goals on your terms. In this program, you'll gain in-demand analytical skills, critical thinking abilities, and a strong foundation in mathematics. Free elective hours also allow you to customize your degree to align with your goals. Graduates can pursue careers in finance, data science, actuarial science, education, engineering, technology, operations research, and more.

The BS in Mathematics offers three concentrations: General Mathematics, Actuarial Science and Data Science.

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Faculty-Mentored Projects

This program provides students with the opportunity to work on faculty-mentored projects and presentations, giving them valuable experience for a career in mathematics.

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Pursue Your Career Interests

The curriculum allows students to pursue other interests in the humanities or more technical fields such as computer science, economics, accounting, or finance.

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Three Concentrations Offered

The degree offers three concentrations to help students tailor their education to meet their needs.

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Exam Preparation

The Actuarial Science concentration prepares students to sit for the first two Society of Actuaries exams.

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Our BS in Mathematics program offers concentrations in pure mathematics, actuarial science, and data science, supported by dedicated faculty who provide personalized guidance. The program equips students with in-demand skills, preparing them for industry certifications such as the Actuary P and FM exams, Certified Analytics Professional, SAS Certified Data Scientist, and Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate. These certifications may also qualify for prior learning (PLA) credit, providing students with a strong foundation to excel in diverse fields and make meaningful contributions to the world."

Prakash Ghimire
Chair of Mathematics & Computer Science and Associate Professor of Mathematics

See What Makes This Program Special

Student Support Helped Charles Finish His Degree

Learn about how Charles earned his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with the support of the LSU Online team

Explore This Program

Cost Online Bachelor of Science Mathematics

Total credit hours per program: 120 credit hours

Cost per credit hour: $325

Total cost with fees and maximum amount of credits allowed to transfer into the program: $9,750

Total cost with fees: $39,000

The final cost of this program will be determined once all transfer credits are evaluated. Transfer credits may apply for up to 75% of degree requirements. Your academic advisor will work with you to determine if and how any prior college credits earned will apply toward your LSUA degree. For further information about the approval for transfer credits and other requirements, please visit this site.

Financial aid is available to those who qualify.

The total cost above does not include transfer credit or financial aid. Cost per credit hour and fees are subject to change. Fee schedules may vary by program depending on course-specific fees for proctoring and/or books. Please contact a Student Success Coach for more information.

Course Listing Online Bachelor of Science Mathematics

General Education Credit Hours
ENGL 1001 English Composition  3
ENGL 1002 English Composition II  3
General Education Social Sciences  6
MATH 1550 or MATH 1540/1541  4
MATH 1552 or MATH 1542/1543  4
PHYS 2101 General Physics for Technical Students I  3
PHYS 2102 General Physics for Technical Students II  3
General Education Biology  3
General Education Humanities (Communication Studies) 3
General Education Humanities  6
General Education Fine Arts  3
Total Required Credit Hours  41


Major Foundational Requirements  Credit Hours
MATH 2057 Calculus III or MATH 2047/2048  4
MATH 3040 Fundamentals of Mathematics  3
MATH 3065 Elementary Differential Equations  3
MATH 3085 Linear Algebra  3
MATH 4031 Advanced Calculus I  3
MATH 4200 Abstract Algebra  3
CSCI 1250 Introduction to Computer Programming  3
Total Required Credit Hours  22


General Mathematics Concentration  Credit Hours
3000/4000-level MATH   15
3000/4000-level MATH or CSCI 2000-level or above  3
Total Required Credit Hours  18


Actuarial Science Concentration  Credit Hours
MATH 3355 Probability  3
MATH 4050 Financial Mathematics or FINC 3826 Investments  3
MATH 4056 Mathematical Statistics  3
ACCT 2001 Financial Accounting  3
ACCT 2101 Managerial Accounting  3
FINC 3715 Business Finance  3
Total Required Credit Hours  18


Data Science Concentration Credit Hours
MATH 3355 Probability  3
MATH 4056 Mathematical Statistics  3
CSCI 2350 Programming and Data Structures 3
CSCI 3102 Data Structures and Algorithms 3
CSCI 4402 Database Systems 3
CSCI 4730 Data Visualization and Predictive Modeling 3
CSCI 4740 Data Mining 3
Total Required Credit Hours  21


Electives  Credit Hours
English Elective (2000 or above)  3
Free Electives  33-36
Total Required Credit Hours  36-39

Concentrations Online Bachelor of Science Mathematics

The online Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from LSUA offers 3 concentrations.

General Mathematics 

This concentration provides students with a broad understanding of mathematical concepts and critical thinking skills that will prepare them for the careers of their choosing.

Actuarial Science

This concentration prepares students for careers in risk management and assessment or academics. Students will develop analytical skills through topics including mathematics, statistics, financial economics, quantitative finance, and risk management. 

Data Science

The Data Science concentration is an interdisciplinary program that combines data science, mathematics, and computer science. Students in this concentration gain essential skills in data analysis, machine learning, and statistical methods, preparing them for careers such as data scientists, data analysts, quantitative analysts, and statisticians.

Admission Requirements Online Bachelor of Science Mathematics

For university acceptance, first-time freshman must meet the following criteria: 

  • Complete high school Core curriculum for college readiness in place at time of high school graduation 
  • Not be required to take more than one developmental course 
  • Have a high school grade point average of at least 2.0 
  • Meet one of the following: 
    • Have an ACT composite of 20 or higher 
    • Have a high school Core grade point average of at least 2.0 

Transfer students to LSUA must meet one of the following sets of criteria: 

  • Have earned a transferable associate degree or higher 
  • Have earned at least 18 hours of college-level credit, including a college-level English and college-level mathematics course, with a grade of “C” or higher in each, and an overall GPA of at least 2.0 
  • Have earned at least 12 hours of college-level credit from LSUE or CLTCC Bridge Program, including a college-level English and college-level mathematics course, with a grade of “C” or higher in each, and an overall GPA of at least 2.0. 
  • If the above are not met, meet freshman admission requirements and be in good standing with their previous institution  

Career Opportunities Online Bachelor of Science Mathematics

  • Statistician
  • Math Teacher
  • Financial Analyst
  • Actuary
  • Data Scientist
  • Cryptographer
  • Underwriter
  • Computational Mathematician
  • Grades 6-12 Teacher (with proper certification)
  • Insurance Company Executive
  • Logician
  • Risk Management Specialist
  • Theoretical Mathematics Researcher 

What Will I Learn? Online Bachelor of Science Mathematics

Students who graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics will acquire a broad understanding of mathematical concepts.

Topics covered in the program include:

  • Vector functions, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, multiples integrals, and vector calculus
  • An introduction to techniques of mathematical proofs; sets; logic; relations and functions; induction; cardinality; and properties of real numbers
  • A beginning course in ordinary differential equations with emphasis on solving linear differential equations
  • An introduction to computer programming with an emphasis on problem-solving, program design, and algorithms
  • A rigorous analysis of major results in differential and integral calculus
  • An introduction to probability, emphasizing concrete problems and applications, random variables, expectation, conditional probability, law of large numbers, central limit theorem, and stochastic processes
  • Calculus-based deterministic and non- deterministic methods in mathematical finance
  • Characteristics and valuation of common stocks, bonds; function and efficiency of U.S. securities markets; theory and practice of portfolio selection
  • Calculus-based treatment of probability distributions, sampling, estimation, testing involving parameters from one and several populations, regression, and independence
  • An introductory study of the nature of economics, economic concepts and problems, economic system, and the role of government
  • A study of basic economics, exploring theories of production, determination of prices in regulated and unregulated industries, functional distribution, international economics, and problems of economic development

Why choose the online Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from LSUA? Online Bachelor of Science Mathematics

A mathematics degree can be useful for many different career paths. LSUA’s bachelor of mathematics is comprehensive, customizable, and 100% online. The affordable degree allows students to pursue multiple interests while mastering the fundamentals of the field. Additionally, coursework can be completed whenever and wherever students choose to learn.

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Ready to reach your goals?

Take the first step forward by completing the form and our enrollment team will contact you soon to discuss:

  • Additional information on the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics online program
  • Financial aid options (employer funding, military benefits)
  • Receiving credit for past education (transfer, professional development)
  • The admissions process and timeline

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