Man in suit in front of a building

Online Associate of Science in Criminal Justice

Total Credit Hours


Cost Per Credit Hour


Application Deadline: February 10, 2025

Spring 2 2025 classes start on March 10, 2025

Forge Your Future in Criminal Justice

LSU Eunice

Protect and serve your career path by earning the online Associate of Science in Criminal Justice offered through LSU Eunice and LSU Online. Coursework includes insider knowledge - both past and present - on the correctional, criminal, and judicial topics to shape your career. The curriculum is geared towards high school graduates or those already employed in the field. An emphasis is placed on three major components of the criminal justice system: police, courts, and corrections, while critically analyzing technical research in these areas. Additionally, students enrolled in the online Associate of Science in Criminal Justice have the option (as needed) to experience a more personalized approach with continual staff engagement through the nationally-recognized Pathways to Success program. Graduates will be well-positioned to work on the local and state level or private sector as a law enforcement officer, drug intervention specialist, cybersecurity expert and intelligence officer. 

Save Time and Money - Apply your past military training or Police/Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certification to earn credits towards an online AS in Criminal Justice through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA).

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Continuous Support

You will have a dedicated coach assigned to you from the application process to graduation. They are here to offer support along the way so that you can focus on performance in your classes.

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Receive affordable, pay-by-the-course tuition nationwide.

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100% Online

In this 100% online program, you can earn your degree on your time while balancing work, family, and other responsibilities.

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Expert Faculty

Our experienced faculty members are dedicated to providing top-quality education in a convenient online format. These are the same faculty that teach the on-campus courses and are actively engaged in helping students succeed.

Explore This Program

Cost Online Associate of Science in Criminal Justice

Total credit hours per program: 60 credit hours

Cost per credit hour: $260

Total cost with fees and maximum amount of credits allowed to transfer into the program: $3,900

Total cost with fees: $15,600

The final cost of this program will be determined once all transfer credits are evaluated. Transfer credits may apply for up to 75% of degree requirements. Your academic advisor will work with you to determine if and how any prior college credits earned will apply toward your LSUE degree. 

For further information about the approval for transfer credits and other requirements, please visit this site.

The total cost above does not include transfer credit or financial aid. Cost per credit hour and fees are subject to change. Fee schedules may vary by program depending on course-specific fees for proctoring and/or books. Please contact a Student Success Coach for more information.

Course Listings Online Associate of Science in Criminal Justice

  • MATH 1015 Applied College Algebra | Credit Hours: 3
  • MATH 1425 Elementary Statistics | Credit Hours: 3
  • ENGL 1001 English Composition | Credit Hours: 3
  • ENGL 1002 English Composition | Credit Hours: 3
  • PSYC 2000 |Introduction to Psychology | Credit Hours: 3
  • BIOL 1001 General Biology | Credit Hours: 3
  • BIOL 1002 General Biology | Credit Hours: 3
  • MUS 1751 Music Appreciation | Credit Hours: 3
  • CMST 1061 Fundamentals of Communication | Credit Hours: 3
  • CJUS 1107 Introduction to Criminal Justice | Credit Hours: 3
  • CJUS 2131 Police Process | Credit Hours: 3
  • CJUS 2132 Judicial Process | Credit Hours: 3
  • CJUS 2133 Correctional Process | Credit Hours: 3
  • CJUS 2153 Criminal and Related Law | Credit Hours: 3
  • EMGT 1500 Emergency Management In High-Threat Situations | Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCL 2001 Introductory Sociology | Credit Hours: 3
  • POLS 2051 American Government | Credit Hours: 3
  • CJUS 2220 Juvenile Delinquency | Credit Hours: 3
  • CJUS 2600 Drugs and Society | Credit Hours: 3
  • EMGT 2000 Leading Through Crisis | Credit Hours: 3

Admission Requirements Online Associate of Science in Criminal Justice

Requirements for Freshmen

Applicants for admission to the freshman class are normally required to submit scores on the American College Test (ACT) in order to be placed at the appropriate levels in freshman courses, for counseling, and for selection of scholarship recipients. 

Graduates of state-approved high schools or those who hold a G.E.D or HiSET and have not attended another college or university will be considered for admission when they have made application.

Louisiana residents who are not graduates of state-approved high schools and have not attended another college or university may apply for admission by submitting their G.E.D. or HiSET transcript.

Louisiana residents who have graduated from a high school not approved by the State Department of Education or who do not have a G.E.D. or HiSET can be admitted under the Ability to Benefit provision.

Requirements for Transfer Students

Applicants must have satisfactory records in other colleges and universities to apply for admission. 

Louisiana residents who have attempted fewer than 12 hours of college credit will be considered on the same basis as a student who earns a similar record at LSU Eunice.

All transfer students must be eligible to re-enroll at the last college or university last attended.

For additional information on admission requirements, please visit LSUE's Admission Portal.

Career Opportunities Online Associate of Science in Criminal Justice

  • Law enforcement officer
  • Law enforcement staff 
  • Drug intervention specialist
  • Cybersecurity expert
  • Intelligence officer
  • Corrections officer
  • State trooper
  • Fish and wildlife officer
  • Federal law enforcement 

What Will I Learn? Online Associate of Science in Criminal Justice

Upon the completion of the program, students will demonstrate the understanding of:

  • Theories of Criminal Justice;
  • Practices of Criminal Justice; and
  • Anticipated evolution of the Criminal Justice professional

Why Choose This Program? Online Associate of Science in Criminal Justice

Why choose LSU Eunice’s online Associate of Science in Criminal Justice?

LSUE’s online Associate of Science in Criminal Justice program is designed for high school graduates and adult learners who desire a career in the criminal justice system, as well as current professionals seeking to upgrade their criminal justice knowledge and certifications. The two-year program provides a thorough foundation for students to either apply to a bachelor’s degree program or seek entry-level positions in the field.

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Ready to reach your goals?

Take the first step forward by completing the form and our enrollment team will contact you soon to discuss:

  • Additional information on the Associate of Science in Criminal Justice online program
  • Financial aid options (employer funding, military benefits)
  • Receiving credit for past education (transfer, professional development)
  • The admissions process and timeline

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