Study Tips for Online Students

Online degree programs have several advantages, including flexibility and speed of completion. Virtual classes can pose a unique set of challenges for those new to online courses. Here are some tips on how to succeed in your first online course. Developing effective skills for virtual learning will provide an excellent foundation for your online education journey. Here are some of our most helpful study tips to help you get started.
Find the Right Study Space
When finding the best location to complete your studies, it is important to consider your personal preferences. Do you prefer a quiet place where you can be alone? If so, creating a space in your home where you can separate yourself from all distractions may be best. Ideally, this would be in a room other than your bedroom. If you are working late at night, having your bed next to you could become a distraction. Do you prefer an environment with moderate levels of activity and noise? You might want to check out the local coffee shop or library. Both will have people bustling around and free Wi-Fi. It is important to experiment to discover what environments make you the most productive in your online courses. You may need a different environment depending on the topic you are studying at that time.
Set Dedicated Study Blocks
Building study routines into your daily schedule is a solid habit to form when enrolled in online classes. Knowing when you will do your work and how long it will take to complete it means you can schedule your learning around specific times. Maintaining this study schedule will make it easy to complete large time-consuming projects by breaking them into small, more manageable pieces. This study habit will also allow you to move your times to study around when events or life circumstances cause you to change plans. The great advantage of being an online learner is the flexibility!
Network with Classmates
No one understands the situation you are in better than your fellow students. Other students in your classes can prove to be great resources, and they help you build a communication network to discuss assignments, ask for help, or even create a social support group. A study partner or study buddy can help you break down complex concepts and bring a different life experience to the topics you are studying. It is always good for your mental health to surround yourself with like-minded people who share your goals. Make sure you are a participant in the online discussion boards in your class to make these connections. Additionally, if you ever need to talk to your professors, you can easily contact them by email. They are there to instruct and help you succeed, so do not be afraid to reach out for any clarification.
Create a Productive Mindset
Attending classes in the comfort of your home is convenient, but it can be hard to focus if you are not careful. A strong preventative measure is taking a minute to focus your mind and transition into a study mode. Some students take this a step further and dress in business clothes for their online classes. Wearing an outfit that you may wear in a traditional classroom setting can help convince your mind it is time to work. Getting dressed will keep you from becoming too relaxed, and it can help you maintain concentration. If you share your home with children or other loved ones, set boundaries with them and let them know not to disturb you when you are trying to study.
Put Your Study Skills to the Test with LSU Online
Online school can be challenging, but it is more than manageable with the right tools. The right mindset and learning approach can make the even most difficult challenges achievable. LSU Online wants to help you develop your skills and attain your career goals. Our dedicated Enrollment Coaches and Student Success Coaches are here to make your online education experience as smooth as possible. With their help and efficient study skills in place, you can find success in your online courses.
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