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Remote in a Time of Pandemic: Six Considerations As We Adapt to COVID-19 (

Newsroom | Articles March 27, 2020
Woman pondering.

LSU Online & Continuing Education Vice President Dr. Sasha Thackaberry recently penned an article titled Remote in a Time of Pandemic: Six Considerations As We Adapt to COVID-19 on the online newspaper The EvoLLLution, which focuses primarily on higher education topics.

In the article, Dr. Thackaberry underscores the distinction between programs that are designed for online learning vs. on-campus programs that are now being taught online due to COVID-19. Although the modality is the same, the instructional goals and the intent for the design are vastly different.

She also shares six considerations for faculty and instructors during this unprecedented time:

  1. Nobody signed up for this.
  2. Everything is not solved with Zoom and remote proctoring.
  3. Something isn't working? Fix it.
  4. Phone a friend.
  5. Accreditation
  6. Vendors — the good, the bad, and the ugly

To learn more about her recommendations, read the full article here.

Learn more about LSU Online's remote teaching resources for faculty and students by visiting:

Faculty Site:

Student Site:

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