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Designing Engaging Learning Activities

Engaging learning activities require students to participate actively and think deeply about the concepts they are mastering and can also lead to increased student motivation and success. In this video, we will provide some practical strategies and tools to promote student engagement and active learning in the design of your course activities. As more courses shift from face-to-face, to blended or fully online, you may be looking for new ways to engage your students with active or collaborative activities. When students are given the opportunity to engage in active and collaborative activities such as working together to solve a problem, they are more likely to retain what they've learned and stay motivated to do well within the course. Each activity should build on the one before and include opportunities for students to think and reflect on what they are learning, how they are learning, and the importance of what they're learning with useful feedback from peers or the instructor. This is a great opportunity to take concepts that may be difficult to understand and have those concepts come alive for students.